Thank you for the valuable article brother. You mentioned that homosexuality affects the society, then why would the west do such thing to their own people? Is it because of capitalism? Thats what their economy need?

What is your opinion about the west gender equality? As a muslim, there is no difference between the two sexes, and it is clear in the Quran that both are the same. But Islam stresses on equity but not equality. I would like to know your opinion.

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Thank you for your kind comment.

The West is doing this because of a misunderstanding of human rights and what they entail - there's another piece of mine on this blog discussing this issue.

Gender equality is nonsense. We are equal in the eyes of God. We have equal dignity. We are equal in worth. But we are not equal in form or function. The Quran, the Old Testament and the New Testament all understand this clearly. The West has gone down this path as a result of various historic accidents and misunderstandings of Christian teaching. It has proven to be economically beneficial in the short term, but it is not beneficial in the long term.

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