This is an excerpt from my upcoming book, Convert or Die
It is almost impossible to write with brevity about the transgender movement. The insanity of it is so astounding and so pervasive that one hardly knows where to begin. But begin we must. As for brevity, my defence is that insanity is much harder to catalogue and explain than sanity. And with that, I throw brevity out the window.
In this chapter, I show that transgenderism is nonsense. Its spread is primarily due to support from the establishment. All major institutions – from Fortune 500 companies to NATO – now fully back this movement. Why would they do so, however?
Because making you “affirm” that “trans women are women” is a test of loyalty and obedience – those who object can be ostracised, those who play along have effectively committed to supporting their superiors through any lie. So, to cleanse yourself of this lie, say it loud and say it proud: trans women are men, trans men are women, and they always will be.
Educate yourself
The first thing that a gender activist will tell you when you assert the obvious fact that there are only two genders is: “educate yourself”. And so we shall. According to the trans movement, a trans person is someone whose gender and genitalia do not match ‘our assumptions’. Gender is now something separate from sex, you see. The World Health Organisation says that “‘Gender’ describes those characteristics of women and men that are largely socially created, while ‘sex’ encompasses those that are biologically determined. However, these terms are often mistakenly used interchangeably in scientific literature, health policy, and legislation.”
Unlike sex, gender identity cannot be ascertained by simply looking at genitalia, studying DNA, or any other such luddite practice. The UK government’s Office of National Statistics, following broader government guidelines, says that “gender identity is a personal, internal perception of oneself and so the gender category someone identifies with may not match the sex they were assigned at birth.”
President Biden’s then-spokeswoman, Jen Psaki, said that cross sex hormones – which damage children’s bone density, limit their brain development and leave them infertile – and surgical procedures to graft imitations of the genitalia of the opposite sex on minors are “best medical practice”. CNN even once claimed that there is no way to determine sex at birth. Presumably, this means that even sex is just a social construct.
Notice the language used by the gender movement. Sex is “assigned” at birth, rather than objectively observed. This is an important tell. It suggests that the gender activists do not believe in an objective reality. To understand the full absurdity of this, note the following: Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson, who US President Joe Biden and the Democratic Party have now placed on the US Supreme Court, said during her Senate confirmation hearings that she could not define the word ‘woman’ because she is “not a biologist”. If she cannot simply state that a woman is an adult human female, how does she know whether or not she is one? Is being a woman merely a feeling – a question of self-perception?
In the absence of evidence and reason, there is only compulsion. So, gender identity needs to be “affirmed”. Gender affirmation, to put it bluntly, is the process by which we all debase ourselves by pretending to share in the delusions of others. We agree to pretend because to do otherwise is to risk ostracization by friends, colleagues and employers.
Throughout the corporate world, policies are worded so that companies can dismiss employees who damage the employer’s reputation, and publicly saying the obvious truth, that no amount of medication, surgery or willpower would make any female mammal a male, is considered damaging to your employer’s reputation and can lead to your dismissal. And, even before your dismissal, almost all social media companies would censor you. Effectively, if you tell the truth, you risk your ability to speak in the online public square and you risk your ability to earn a living.
This ruthless enforcement is necessary: non-compliance with the diktats of gender activists would constitute a microaggression, and it is because of people who commit microaggressions that trans individuals have a 40% suicide attempt rate. Yes, 40% of trans individuals attempt suicide, and 80% consider it.
You may not use this data to infer that the trans community is struggling with a tragic, staggering amount of mental illness, and that the compassionate, charitable thing to do is to treat it. You must merely accept your own complicity and guilt. To atone, you must affirm the validity of obvious delusions such as the genders below:
Demiboy, or someone who can be cis (as in, normal) or trans, who partly identifies as boy, man or masculine, but who can also be anything else, and who, by identifying as demiboy, does not wish to tell you anything about whether they were born male or female.
Genderfluid, a concept which I find indistinguishable from mood. The gender of this person is fluid, as the name implies, and there is no limit to how or when his or her gender can change, or what it can change to.
Aliagender, or someone who claims to not fit into any gender.
Novigender, or someone whose gender cannot be expressed in words, just like Maverique, Intergender, Graygender, Genderqueer, or Aporagender. All real categories, or as real as these things can be, all of which are defined as genders that are between boy and girl and are tough to explain. Just like genderfluid and aliagender.
It is unclear how one ascertains with any scientific rigour that he has discovered a new gender. How would a concerned parent know if his or her child is novigender or graygender? What empirical test would be used? Do these terms signify different medical needs? Would two doctors examining the same child reach the same conclusion about the best path forward for treatment, if treatment is needed? We do not know. How could we know when objective reality does not seem to exist?
The cult of affirmation
The common thread tying the aforementioned gender identities is that they probably appeal to people who wish to say that they are suffering through something difficult that they cannot easily communicate.
Which leaves us in a bind.
On the one hand, human suffering is deserving of dignity. We would not wish ourselves to suffer without any consideration from those around us. And, obviously, those who attribute to themselves such absurd identities are indeed suffering. We should be considerate of their pain.
On the other hand, suffering is the most common component of the human experience. Your ancestors thought that suffering should be dignified with fortitude and silence. And suffer they did – wars, famines, plagues – with fortitude, in silence.
But with the transgender types, one cannot help but think that their suffering is not only notable in its depth and breadth – 80% of them have considered suicide, after all – but especially in its narcissism. They want the world to invent new grammar and new pronouns. Men want to go into women’s spaces. Women want to be men and want society to pretend that they are. They want the entire world to know and to respond to their ever-changing mood swings. And they are mood swings: some trans people claim that they cycle through four or five genders a day.
It is difficult to take seriously the person who went from maverique to graygender half an hour ago and now wants you to use newer, new pronouns, like zir instead of xer. There is something tragicomic to the whole thing, and one cannot help notice that it is self inflicted – bold, brave rejection of reality underpins their suffering, and simply accepting the facts could cure it.
Rather than just accept observable, objective, biological reality and move on, we are told that gender identity – that is, the incongruence between a transgender person’s mood and his observable, objective, biological reality – needs to be affirmed. It needs to be affirmed by allowing men to compete in women’s sports, including, one assumes, in sports like rugby or American football. A man was allowed to compete in a combat sport against a woman and to beat her face into a bloody pulp; another man had previously cracked his female opponent’s skull.
Injuries to female athletes do not matter. Equity matters more than women’s bodies.
Indeed, things have gotten so out of hand that progressive bastions like California and the UK allow male rapists to be recognised as women, and then place them in women’s prisons. And when these predators are let loose among vulnerable women, the consequences are so very predictable. California, in its wisdom and compassion, now distributes condoms to female inmates, in the hope that their rapists would have the decency to wear them before proceeding with the act of rape. The power of the trans movement is so overwhelming that this does not get a response from the #MeToo movement.
If you had told anyone a decade ago that this would be normalised, you would have been laughed out of the room. You were regularly told that the slippery slope is a right-wing trope.
Today, if you laugh at this madness, you are a Nazi.
An elite scam
At least a part of this madness stems from the incredible support given to the transgender movement by the establishment. After all, its bizarre ideology is parroted by the governments of Australia, Canada, the United Kingdom and the United States, among others. It is fully supported by the United Nations, the WHO, NATO and at least 83% of the Fortune 500 companies. Throughout the Western world, media outlets dutifully report that a woman with a penis raped another woman – media outlets that challenge the trans narrative are few and far between. The trans movement is fully endorsed by the Davos club– the World Economic Forum regularly publishes in support of transgenderism. So, one wonders, why is the elite so supportive of something so obviously insane? Do Jeffery Epstein’s and Harvey Weinstein’s friends really care about rights so much that they view basic biology as a violation of rights?
It is possible that the elites of our world have embraced this collective madness just because it is fashionable. It is worth noting, however, that for the elites, this particular madness is also quite useful.
If the oligarchic class can make you say that that the man with a beard and a penis is in fact a woman, they can make you say anything else. They can also be assured that they can subsequently say anything else to you and that you will simply nod in silence.
After all, the mark of tyranny is not the absence of elections or human rights. Gaddafi, Assad and the CCP have always held votes and elections and proclaimed their love of rights.
The true hallmark of tyranny is that the truth is not accepted as a defence: you must affirm the lie to be safe.
When you parrot an obvious lie enough times, you accept that there is no objective reality. You accept that the only truth is what your superiors tell you. If corporate can make you disbelieve your own eyes and surrender control over your own words, and bleat the obvious lie that “trans women are women”, what integrity do you have left? None. None at all. You have surrendered your mind, your words and your will. Your leaders have tested you and found you to be an obedient subject. You have been subdued – if you are a conservative, or just a realist, and in your heart, you do not agree with this madness, you have been found to be sufficiently submissive not to be deemed a threat. You have accepted the humiliation ritual involved in hearing this blatant lie without responding. You have been neutered.
Now, your superiors can be assured that you will embrace – or at least acquiesce to – other lies when they need you to. In large organisations, where staff are transitory, unreliable cogs, this kind of loyalty and obedience makes you valuable. It shows that when semi-legal, very immoral activity takes place, you will toe the line.
And this is why one finds that ambitious middle managers in large organisations are often the first to put pronouns in their email signatures and their LinkedIn bios. They are not telling their underlings their pronouns. They are signalling their loyalty to their masters. Promotion material indeed.
Of course, oligarchs want more of these types.
Say it loud, say it proud
It is worth pausing for a second. Ask yourself this. Before they broke you, before they could make you say birthing person and not mother, pregnant people and not expectant mothers, and chest feeding rather than breast feeding, what other, smaller lies did they slip past you? What million little things did they deceive you about? Did your past acquiescence to their lies embolden them? What lies will they ask you to parrot tomorrow?
If there is no limit to the extent to which you will debase yourself, will there be any limit to their lies?
The simple answer is no, there will not be. They will not stop. You must stand up and make them stop. You must reject this humiliation ritual.
You must tell them, to their faces, that trans women are not women, that trans people are, at best, mentally ill, that it is cruel to encourage their delusions, that the truth is the only path to salvation.
Trans lies matter, and it is time to end these lies.
So say it loud and say it proud: Trans women are men, trans men are women, and no amount of medical mutilation, drugs or willpower can change that.
Very good but the only missing point is the blatant unapologetic attempt of normalizing this to children. Was chatting to an 11 girl at the pool and somehow we arrived on the subject of public restrooms. “Boys are not allowed in girl’s bathrooms!”, she said, all the adults nodded and affirmed. But then she quickly added, “unless they are transitioning!”, the adults nodded and affirmed.
And then there’s that video of “it won’t lick it by itself” doing the rounds on twitter and an appalling number of people defending parents for subjecting their children to what is nothing short of a pedo experience.